Resurrected from Rejection

I have experienced rejection from several sources. I was rejected by my father before I was born. I have been rejected by family and friends. I have been rejected by leadership in the church. And during the first 10 years of marriage, I was rejected by my husband. Rejection is a pain I can closely relate to.

The pain of Rejection is something we all have experienced once in our lifetime. Rejection is a loss. Most experiences with a loss are associated with a time of grieving. The stages of grief can include: denial, isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The stages of grief do not occur in any specific order, and can vary from person to person. The feelings of being rejected can also be accompanied with feelings of abandonment, betrayal, and being forsaken. Rejection can come through many sources of life. Regardless if we suffer rejection from professional relationships, social relationships, close friend relationships, family relationships or an intimate relationship. They all can cause pain and a negative effect on our life. Rejection is something that can cause deep internal pain to our soul. It can also cause a breach in our spirit. Rejection is not something that is easily recognized as a condition that needs to be healed. Rejection is a condition that can lead to other complications in our lives.

The spirit of rejection distorts self-image, value, and steals identity and vision. The spirit of rejection is associated with loneliness, false accusations, guilt, and shame.

After an event of being rejected. The spirit of rejection goes to work. The Spirit of Rejection starts in the mind and works its way into our heart. And if not recognized and dealt with it, it can cause further pain and issues in our life.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:23 " keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life." (KJV) We are to keep our heart. The word keep here means to guard, to observe and preserve. As believers in Christ we have a responsibility to keep our heart regardless what happens to us. We can't change the negative things that have happened to us however, we can change or perception
and our response to the offense.

Jesus can sympathize with the pain of rejection:
Jesus was despised and rejected. Isaiah 53:3
He came to His own and they did not receive Him. 1 John 1: 11
He was rejected by his hometown Matthew 13: 57
Jesus was rejected by His brothers John 7:5
He was rejected by those that said they know and follow God. Luke 23: 20-21
He was rejected by His Heavenly Father before He died on the cross. Matthew 27: 46
One life event that Our Lord Jesus suffered that comes to my heart is when Jesus was rejected by the people that claimed that they followed God. This event led our savior to the cross where once again He suffered one of the greatest rejections ever. This was the rejection of His Father. This rejection was recorded in the Bible in Matthew 27:46 that when Jesus cried out “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

No matter what kind of rejection you have suffered, the Savior knows the depth of your pain. He has the power to resurrect the dead areas in you. I have personally witnessed His deliverance and healing power in my life. Through a time of worship, prayer, and devotion the perception of who I was, was changed into the image of who I am in Christ. I have come to understand and embrace the scripture Ephesians 1:6 that states “that you are loved and already accepted.” This truth compelled me to continue in worship and prayer. As I continued to yield to the Lord in prayer He showed me the areas of offense. He taught me the power of forgiveness, and he illuminated and healed those areas that were hid in darkness. This healing resurrected me back to life. If you are plagued with the pain or feelings of rejection:

  1. Enter into a time of prayer and worship.
  2. Pray and ask God to reveal those areas of rejection to you.
  3. Ask God to help you forgive the person who hurt you.
  4. Ask God to heal those wounded areas.
  5. Take time to renew your mind with the word of God, focusing on confessions that affirm who you are in Christ.
  6. Continue to pray and be led of the Lord.
